Autoignition temperature
The lowest temperature at which a gas will ignite after an extended time of exposure.
British Thermal Unit (BTU)
A BTU is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
The science of producing very low temperatures such as those required for natural gas liquefaction.
Cubic Foot
A unit of measurement of gas volume. It is the amount of gas required to fill a volume of one cubic foot under stated conditions of temperature, pressure, and water vapor.
A property of a fluid equal to volume divided by weight.
Department of Energy (DOE)
The Department of Energy is the 12th Cabinet Position, and it consists of the Office of the Secretary of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. It was created on August 4, 1977 as a result of the Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977. There are many subdivisions within the DOE, but the Economic Regulatory Administration and Energy Information Administration are two groups which have significant bearing on gas utility operations.